How I Got Here: Matt Burkey, Senior Director of Media Outreach and Campaigns

What did you think you were going to be in elementary school/high school

I’m not sure where this passion came from in elementary school, but I was always fascinated with archeologists and digging. I had a basic understanding of dinosaurs but I wasn’t necessarily obsessed with them. I think the thrill of finding something in the ground that no one had ever seen before was exciting. I did plenty of digging in backyards, fields, etc., which I’m sure drove my family crazy.

High school was a different story: I was 100% sure I was going to be a professional musician for a living. I began playing drums in 5th grade and loved marching band in middle and high school, so the obvious path after that was to be in a famous band! 

Did you study PR in college? If so, why? If not, what did you study?

I didn’t go into my college career with a particular focus in mind, I just knew there were plenty of fundamental classes I would have to take in order to graduate and assumed I would find my passion. Before I knew it, I was running out of basic courses and had to make a decision, and that’s when I landed on Public Relations. My thought process was: “If I can’t be in a famous band, why don’t I work for them?” I use many of the skills I learned in class and work in my personal life, too, so I'm happy with the path I chose.

How did you make your way to Carve?

After college, I moved to Florida and was making a two-hour commute to my first job, which is where I understood I had a tremendous amount of learning to still do before I could be called a “PR Professional.” I worked on clients from grocery retail to casinos and more for half a decade before starting in consumer tech. It was a stark difference from what I was used to which meant learning new skills and tactics once again, but I always had an interest in computers and knew I could personally relate more to product PR than my previous clients. Then I had an opportunity to join the Carve team and help grow the agency to where we are today. It’s been quite a journey and I’m extremely appreciative to everyone that has helped me get here.

What do you do today at Carve?

I am currently Senior Director of Media Outreach and Campaigns working across a variety of our clients, from educational toys and consumer tech to digital freight brokerage and online educational courses. My main objective is to position our clients in the media outlets that are going to reach their target audience at scale. I’m also a go-to resource for any of our junior team members to ask questions, give advice and be a part of their professional development as so many people were instrumental in me being where I am today.

What is the coolest project you’ve ever worked on?

A recurring theme in this interview is music, so I guess it’s no surprise I was geeking out when I found out we’d be working with Victrola. It’s exciting to be a part of their team as they transform their product offerings and usher in a new era for the company. I think everyone can relate to having memories tied to specific artists or songs, and representing a company that helps create those memories for people around the world is special.

What is the career accomplishment you’re most proud of?

There are placements and events I could reminisce about, but at the risk of sounding uber cheesy, I have to say a great accomplishment has been being a part of Carve as the agency has grown leaps and bounds. That encompasses great placements and serving clients over the past three years, but it also encompasses the great team members I’ve worked with, some of which began their careers at Carve and have now become amazing PR professionals in their own right.

What do you think your superpower is?

If we’re talking about actual abilities, I truly believe that my superpower is being able to communicate in a way that makes people feel comfortable. I’m an extremely curious person, not just about things, but about people and understanding their backstories, and in a relationship-based industry like Public Relations, it’s been extremely beneficial for me.

What would you love to learn more about?

I would love to learn more about music production and the process of creating some of my favorite albums from start to finish. I’ve had a few hobbies come and go throughout my life, but I think my passion for music will be something that I will nurture forever, from listening to playing casually, and hopefully at some point learning the recording process as well.


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